March 8, 2013


Hello Ladies & Gents,

As you know my last big project was launching the Blu-ray format which I started working on in early 2010 and launched in late 2011. The format has been extremely successful and now 16 months later and 16 available Blu-rays later we're ready for our next venture : DownLoads!


Our new DownLoad section will serve 3 purposes :

1)  As we are discontinuing the production of DVDs in favor of only Blu-rays, those who still want to keep the DVD format will still be able to download most new programs onto their computer and burn a DVD.

2)  The current demand for our programs comes from many who own iPads, iPhones, Androids, Tablets etc... and while neither Blu-rays nor DVDs can be viewed on those that will now change with our new downloads. You'll be able to enjoy our programs on your smaller devices anywhere on the road!

3)  As the price of shipping increases, as does duties & taxes and shipping times to a lot of countries around the world has increased and can sometimes take up to 2 months to reach the far away countries of Africa, South America and Asia, the download will whipe all this away in a matter of seconds!


Personally off course I have to recommend the Blu-ray because the quality is just amazing! And in recent years we've made so many improvements and upgrades to the quality and amount of equipment we use on a shoot but to thruly enjoy those you need the Blu-ray!


Below you'll find a comparaison between the 3 methods and some more information about each one along with links to our main/regular store, a link to our new DownLoad store which I invite you to visit and try out 1 of the 2 videos that are on there right now, more coming soon!  And last, but not least a link to our newly created Blu-ray Store.




Watch program immediately!

No Shipping Fees/No Duties & Taxes


Hi-Definition / Fantastic Quality

Collectable Case for your library

We have 4 sold out titles that are being re-released in a very limited run over the next few weeks. That will end our DVD production. Future new titles will only be reelased on Blu-ray and most will also be made available for DownLoad. Available DVD titles will continue to be available until they are sold out!


Please note that as long as a DVD is available that title will not become available for download (except the initial 2 titles launched on March 8th!)

On March 8th 2013 we are introducing this new service to our customers You will be able to download a program and litterally start watching it on your computer, iPad, iPhone, Android, Tablet... within a few seconds! You will also be able to burn a DVD of the program (Windows computers only).


The benefits of Downloads are instant delivery, savings on shipping and taxes and the capability to finally watch our programs on all sorts of devices!

Since the introduction of our 1st Blu-ray in 2011 their popularity has grown tremendously! Today this is the way to enjoy our great Cockpit & Airport programs in widescreen Hi-Definition! Once you've seen one of our Blu-ray programs you'll never want to go back to DVD!


The benefits of Blu-rays are the most amazing level of quality and having a great looking Box/Case for your Aviation Collection/Library!

Click below to visit our Just Planes Shop for all DVDs as long as they continue to be available.

Sold Out DVDs will not be re-released!


Click below to visit our new DownLoad Shop for complete details and FAQ as well as programs you can currently already download!


Click below to visit our new Blu-ray Store where you will find both our Flight in the Cockpit series and World Airports series!




I can also tell you that we're currently working on a dozen new projects for release in the next half year or so and I'm extremely excited by all the fantastic work our crews have been doing around the world! This is really aviation at its best. Enjoy and talk soon!
